HAPPYness Project

Life Lessons From Unicorns and Goats

“Life is just like that sometimes. We’re hoping for a unicorn and we get a goat.”           Gru to Agnes, Despicable Me 3 Yesterday, I had a movie date with my family and laughed our hearts out to Gru's adventures and the adorable minions. Yep, instead of watching Transformers or Wonder… Continue reading Life Lessons From Unicorns and Goats

HAPPYness Project

A Letter to my College Self

Dear College Self, Hello to the thin girl with messy hair who fights her way through college life while being a mother at the same time. The journey will not be smooth. You will stumble and fall and make bad decisions, but you have to get up and redeem yourself. Here are a few things… Continue reading A Letter to my College Self