
Nocturnal Mom Review: Why I Trust Nutri10 Plus Syrup

If there's one thing that I am excited about next month, it is my little man's pre-school journey. Yes, he will go to school in July! While I'm a bit sentimental because I need to let my baby go to experience a bigger world, I look forward to see him as a little student with… Continue reading Nocturnal Mom Review: Why I Trust Nutri10 Plus Syrup


Merries, Japan’s #1 Diaper Brand is now in the Philippines!

Finding the perfect diaper for your baby's needs can be a frustrating – and sometimes painful process, as a wrong choice can lead to your baby's discomfort, leakages, and even health concerns. Babies’ skin has only about ½ the thickness of adults' and is very delicate, which is why they need a diaper that provides… Continue reading Merries, Japan’s #1 Diaper Brand is now in the Philippines!


Book Review: #BabyLove: My Toddler Life

As a mom blogger, one of the things I love to do is review products that are family-friendly and relevant to my niche. There are sponsored posts on my my site and I am into honest blogging. Just recently, I was trusted to review a children's book and it was a delightful experience. Allow me… Continue reading Book Review: #BabyLove: My Toddler Life