HAPPYness Project

Life Lessons From Unicorns and Goats

“Life is just like that sometimes. We’re hoping for a unicorn and we get a goat.”

          Gru to Agnes, Despicable Me 3


Yesterday, I had a movie date with my family and laughed our hearts out to Gru’s adventures and the adorable minions. Yep, instead of watching Transformers or Wonder Woman, me and the husband chose a movie that our own minions would appreciate. After watching, the quote stated above struck me and on this cold, early morning, I want to tell you why.

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People hope for the best in all aspects of life. It is normal. Would you settle for less when you know you can have the best? Of course not! But in reality, we really do not get everything that we want. It is not always rainbows, butterflies, unicorns, and cotton candy. Life throws us curve balls and our current situation is far from how we picture it in our mind. Your rainbow becomes a jungle.

If you have been with me from the beginning, you already know that being a work-at-home mom is my ultimate dream. I diligently read about working from home and write continuously to hone my skill as a preparation for it. My working mom life is not easy, hence the WAHM goal. Travel time, pressure, stress, and difficult people can make my corporate life hard to swallow at times. Living with only 5-6 hours ( and it’s cut in half) of sleep during daytime does not help at all. Obviously, it is the complete opposite of my fantasy. I want to see myself working in the comfort of my own home, on flexible hours, talking to my clients about my tasks while I can be with my family 24/7.

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Bursting your own bubble is not easy. Just like what Gru said, we get a goat sometimes. No matter how many candies and chocolates you use as bait, the unicorn you are desperately looking for will not come. But I tell you what, a goat is still something to be thankful for! Yes! Count your blessings. Instead of stressing yourself out because of what’s lacking, try to list down everything that you have. You will be surprised to know that you have a lot. It does necessarily mean a material thing, but good health, a happy family and true friends are proofs of a blessed life. If you would like to be financially free, start saving while learning about investing and business. Want a promotion or better career? Work smarter and pave your way to success by staying positive and dedicated. Find your passion and nurture it.

We may not always have the things we WANT but my faith says God gives us what we NEED. One day, things will fall into place and lead you to where you should be. Hardships and failures interrupt us but when you finally understand why you have to get through them, every sacrifice will be worth it. That goat can be the cutest and fluffiest in the world if you know how to treat it right and make the most out of it. 



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21 thoughts on “Life Lessons From Unicorns and Goats”

  1. So real Meg! Like what I also said in my latest post, however we pursue things, wherever we go, whatever we dream about; we just cannot have everything. 

    This is one of those realities of life that we have to swallow. We can never change it, but we can change the way we think about it.

    Liked by 1 person

  2. I really enjoyed that part of the movie. Your reflections also prove that you are on the right path 🙂 You may not be getting what you want but you still look at the positive side.

    Liked by 1 person

  3. I loved your post! There are always times when I feel like I need more things in my life and I don’t take into account the things that I do have. Great post! I look forward to reading more.

    Liked by 1 person

    1. Thank you! I followed you back. Bte, I read your post about Post Partum Depression and tried to leave a comment but received an error..Anyway, here’s what I want to comment on your post:

      I was not able to seek professional help when this happened so I am not sure if it’s PPD or clinical depression but when I gave birth to my son in 2014, I was so down due to personal and financial problems. I think that was the lowest point of my life. I thought about ending my life. By God’s grace, I survived. The people around me, especially my husband, made me feel that I am not alone. I knew then that I was loved. After months of being depressed, I finally made a decision to return to my old self- jolly, full of faith and confident. Fast forward to 2017, thst chapter of my life serves as a reminder that when you hit rock bottom, there is no way to go but up.

      Thanks for sharing your story! 🙂 Always a pleasure to connect to a fellow mom!

      Liked by 1 person

  4. This is so awesome! I have a similar outlook, but instead of receiving the unicorn, you become the unicorn. So rather then believing the life you want is some far away, mythical place, take action and get yourself there! It sounds like you’re taking all the right steps to do just that!

    Although we’re a bit different (as people should be!), we’re both seeking unicorns! Yay!

    Liked by 1 person

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